Will compost made with used litter containing DE be bad for the worms?


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Chico, CA
Will compost made with used litter containing DE be bad for the earthworms in the garden?

I asked this in another post but I thought I would make a topic out of it.

I'm using food grade DE and pine shavings in the coop with the deep litter method. It works great. I scoop the big nasties in the morning and give the rest a stir. No odor or flies.

When my scoopings build up I dump them in the pile with the wood stove ashes that I have recently turned into my first compost pile. I give a little water and stir it from time to time.

I'm worried that the DE in the compost might kill the night crawlers that live in the garden dirt if I mix it in next year.

Any thoughts?

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