Will ducks " come home" at night like chickens?


6 Years
Nov 5, 2017
Chester, VT
I have had chickens for many years (currently up to 37, because I wanted 8, and well, chicken math...) They free range all day, and as soon as the sun starts to fade, they all head into the coop, and we close them up. But this year, for the first time we are getting a dozen ducks (Cayugas) who are arriving on one week. We have a 1/4 acre pond, which we figure will be great for them. Our plan has been to build a shore-side house for them, as well as sink a floating island' in the middle of the pond, which would be a good predator-free hang-out.

I am planning on giving them free range capability, like the chickens and closing them up at night. But a little voice in my head tells me that they aren't going to do those "chicken things,' and will most likely put themselves to bed under any number of the bushes overhanging the pond. So...if "home" is where the food is brought...will they come home at night?
I was given pet ducks and they somewhat do. Definitely not like chickens, not even close, but I was shocked when they started heading for the greenhouse in the evenings (where I was having them sleep). But one of them decided to stop doing that, and I would go crazy trying to "Here giiiiiiirrrrrl" while shaking food and walking backward, begging her to come to bed. The other went broody in the greenhouse, so she hasn't budged. So, my point is, lol, they *kinda* do, sometimes.
Most of ours hang around outside of the duck house at night and we just walk behind them and guide them in. They know the duck house is for going to bed at night. We also have 4 juveniles that do put themselves up in the other half of the duck house.
Having a pond is going to create a problem from what others have said once they have the pond that is where they want to sleep. Not long ago a member posted a picture of an owl flying in and grabbing one of their ducks. it was hard to watch. If you can put up fencing so you can bribe them inside the fence and are able to close it up you might be able to get them inside for their own safety.
we had a mallard and 3 khakis last summer. They'd free range / swim in our 1/8th acre pond all day, then we'd walk them to the pen at night (300 feet away by our pole barn) and they'd go right in. Let them out in the morning, repeat.

Sometimes, they'd go in on their own -- or be waiting by the pen for us. Parade of ducks up the driveway... quite amusing.

That all stopped when winter came. When it got colder and the days got shorter, they started refusing to get off the pond. We were nervous at first, but they all made it through winter! We gave them a feeder bucket close to the pond (in a large tarped up/straw floor dog crate), and put a sump pump in the pond to keep it from freezing over and they stayed in the freezing cold all winter. We had their nice warm coupe ready and waiting but they had no interest in leaving the water...

We thought they might want to huddle up in the nice dog crate.. but they'd only eat and leave.

We've had some flock adjustments this year so a new adventure awaits. hopefully it works out about the same...

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