will ducks fly away?

Most domestic breeds will not fly away. Mallards and Muscovies and Black East Indies are a few that I know of who can. Some may be able to clear a fence, depending on their age and weight.
Okay, I'm thinking of having about two (not sure of the breed yet) in this area. Do you think they'll be okay?

If youre worried about them flying away just clip their wings. Its painless for the bird and only has to be done once a year after they moult. Just make sure not to cut too low. You can see where the blood supply stops, you want to cut the all white part of the stem. I clip right underneath the coverts.

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That pen is tall enough most ducks wouldnt escape, but as Amiga said some ducks will fly out of that. I used to find my muscovies on top of my shed at times lol
I have khaki Campbell's ducks and they seem to fly up to ten feet in the air when there scared so I did clip there wings because I was afraid they would fly over the 4 foot fence I have.

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