Will electrolytes help my hens lay?


Jan 5, 2023
Hi... so we bought some nhr and they all are friendly flighty birds (despite their weight they insist they can fly, but newsflash, they cant, poor things jut refuse to listen.)
Anyway they each laid about 2 to 3 eggs per week, but now we are getting about one egg every other day. Is has gotten really hot lately, like high nineties, so could that be a reason? Would electrolytes help? Do yall know any natural foods that have electrolytes???
Weather will affect your flock. High heat and storms will stress them and affect their overall behavior, including egg production. Electrolytes give various minerals and vitamins to keep them hydrated, so I suppose if they are healthier on the inside it could help egg production. Chickens LOVE watermelon, or at least mine do. Tomatoes and strawberries are also a good source of electrolytes.

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