Will I ever get an egg??


8 Years
May 5, 2011
I have a 9 1/2 month old silkie pullet, a 7 month old bantam cochin pullet, and a 6 month old barred rock pullet....I am told by my husband that the reason is because I am trying to use all the medicated chick feed that we bought before I go buy the layer pellets. I totally understand that (now I feel like an unfit chicken mama) but is that the only reason? Or are they just still too young? Also I have a 7 month old bantam cochin cockerel that has not made any "advances" on his girls...when will that start?? Thanks!
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The barred rock pullet is a a lot bigger than the others & she tends to be bit brute-ish
. She picks on the smaller cochin so she may be the problem. Thank you, I will get the new feed this weekend.
We have a Polish hen that has not laid an egg yet and she is 8 months old. And we have a RIR who started laying too early and has prolapsed twice. I think I prefer the late layers.

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