Will little one find her way to bed at night - help

Aussie new mum

In the Brooder
11 Years
Aug 21, 2008
Brisbane, Queensland
I have had my 11 week old pekin bantam in the coop with my 12 month old for the last few weeks. For the last week she has been out of the separate cage and has the full run of the coop with the older one. My question is, when will she learn that this is her home and this is where she should go to bed at night? The older one will put herself to bed but I have to go and find the baby and try and catch her to put her in the coop. Should I lock her in for a couple of days so she knows this is her home and will she then know this is where she goes at night? Thanks again for your help.
I would lock them both in the coop together for about a week and then let them out. She should learn that it is where she should roost. I let my blue laced red wyandottes out for the first time last arvo and they all went back to the coop at dusk except fot Ginger who I had to catch and oput back up. She was under the fig tree and too wraped up in her vigorus scratching to notice it had gotten dark, lol.
Thanks pumpinpup. I was worried about the older one pecking the baby (the older one I adopted from my neighbour as she had been picked on and hurt by their other 4 chickens) but they seem fine so far. The older one will sometimes lunge at the little one but they were both eating yoghurt out of the same dish today. As the older one knows where to go, should I lock her in as well (I did this when I adopted her for 3 days and then let her out and she was fine) - maybe she just knew she was safe now. Anyway, sorry to rave on. Both together or just the little one???Thanks so much. Jus

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