Will my chicken know when her eggs are hatching?


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 17, 2010
Help! This is my first time with a broody hen and I dont know what to do! Today is day 21 and I have not seen any chicks! is the momma supposed to get off from the eggs? or sill she know when they are due?

Thank you! I was getting worried! I am anxious to see the chicks and i dont want anything to go wrong!
Unless you are very lucky, you probably won't see the chicks for a few days after hatching....they will stay very close to their mama....actually UNDER her feathers for warmth. If your broody is very friendly you might be able to slide your hand under and feel for chicks in a day or two. Otherwise, just wait for her to present them to you.
She is very friendly but i am always cautious when it comes to a momma and her offspring, so i will not be sticking my hand under her! As for the eggs, she is sitting on 17 and all of them were viable when candled!

All the information online is for hatching by incubator, nothing on natural hatching.
Just listen out -- you should hear them before you see them. You might even hear them while they are still in the shell. Just leave her alone and let her do her thing.
I notice that with my broody's after the babies hatch and she hears me walk in (I keep my broodies in the garage) there's alot of noise (from her) calling them in under her and then she sits very quiet...and so do I...then a little head will pop out.
My broody would hide them so well you would never know she had them for a week almost! then they got big and couldn't all fit under her wings and she said, never mind... you can see them...
I want a broody again...

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