Will my chickens come back??


10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
I am new to raising chickens and had a problem today with our own dog. He got out of the house and I had forgotten that we had let the chickens out in their very flimsy temporary run. Before I remembered and got out to rescue the hens out dog had gotten into the run and cause havoc. We had 5 hens and 1 rooster. When I got to the run I saw one hen running into the woods. Two other hens and the rooster were gone and there were a bunch of feathers everywhere. The dog was in the run and got out and ran away. Before we could catch the dog he scared the rooster out of the woods and we got him back in the coop. My question is , if they are not dead, will the hens return to the coop after things calm down or are they gone? We have done some free ranging with them and so they are used to being out in the yard and returning to the coop at night.
I feel like such a novice!!!
First off, WELCOME TO BYC.

If they are not injured and another predator doesn't get them while they are 'free ranging' , they will most likely come back home.

Good luck.
Thank you all for letting me know they will come back. I just went out to check on them and one is back! Yippee. Now we are just missing two. We are keeping our fingers crossed. We have grown quite attached to them already and love the new addition to our household.
Try not to worry too much, they'll come home. I had the same thing happen to me. They got scared off Sunday late morning. The last one to finally get back home was my son's Polish, she came back Monday evening! If they are able, they shall return!
Have they started coming out of hiding yet?? Echoing what everyone else said - they will come back if OK. They have the uncanny ability to hide even right before your eyes. You can search an area over and over and then 10 minutes later, one will come walking out of the area you just searched!

Oh - almost forgot - you may want to take your dog out on the leash and begin training him not to chase the chickens. Turn your dog into a protector of the chickens instead of a chaser of the chickens. We have had good luck with training Labs and Great Pyr's around poultry. The only ones we did not have luck with were toy dogs (thank goodness they cannot hurt the chickens and usually get a good pecking).
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Any chickens home yet? This might help you in the future. I free range my chickens, ducks and pot bellied pigs in the afternoon. So everyone knows not to let the dogs out, to eat the chickens , ducks and pigs, I have a pieces of paper that I tape to the doors inside and out. It says ,THE CHICKEN, Ducks AND PIGS ARE OUT. I feel better knowing that when my kids and husband come home they remember not to let the dogs out.

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