Will my Chickens Drown in a Creek?


8 Years
May 20, 2011
I just built a chicken coop for my three new chickens (4 months-old) and i would like to fence in a large area
that spans across a creek (averages 3 ft wide and 1.5 ft deep).

The best area for them to forage is on the other side of the creek.

Is that safe for the chickens? Will they drown? I have a small bridge
they can cross over if they figure it out.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
First off, I'm envious! A creek running through your chicken pen... Sounds awesome! I wouldnt worry about them drowning at that age unless the water is flowing. And they should figure out how to use the bridge. Chickens are pretty freakin smart sometimes. I think the creek is a great idea for the pen! Fresh natural water! MMMMMM MMMhhMMM!
Okay, thanks for the advice! I have read about chickens drowning and just wanted
to be sure it was safe.

Yeah, the creek should be nice for the chickens. I'd post a picture, but I think I'm too new to
the forum to do that.

I'm trying to figure out how to keep them fenced in through the creek and keep predators (snakes)
out without creating a dam in the creek.
Water should flow just fine through any kind of galvanized fencing, but you'd have to scrape any accumulated leaves off pretty regularly if it's too tight. Maybe galvanized chain-link, set low to the ground so the water is flowing through the bottom? Chain link won't keep out snakes, though, if that's your concern.
Just so you know, you are right, chickens can drown -- they will swim a while til their feathers get waterlogged, then sink from the weight. I've seen Youtube videos of them swimming across an inground swimming pool, though.

I don't mean to discourage you, at all! I think it's a wonderful setting for them! And I'd be surprised if they got into trouble with the water. But I just thought you should be forewarned, in case one of them thought he could swim.... silly peabrained things that they are....
My chickens have figured out how to use a bridge across our creek to get to the best ranging spots. They've also figured out how to drink out of the shallows and not to fly into the spring, but rather drink from the edge of it. My only problems so far have been with flooding (if anything can catch on your fence, it will tear the whole thing down) and I don't include the water in their fenced run since it seems like an invitation for a raccoon to waltz in through the water opening and have a nice drink with his meal, predators can spook the chickens into the water in which case you want to be sure they can get out quickly (not too steep of walls).
I wouldn't try this with any frizzled or silkie feathered birds, but standard smooth feathered birds should be fine. The fancy feathered ones can't fly, and by the same token can't flap their way out of water if they get in too deep.

The real question is, where are the ducks?

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