Will my ducks be ok in the cold?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 6, 2012
I live in Pennsylvania and nights are starting to get cold. My ducks have a huge cage with a pond and an insulated duck house full of hay for them with a heat lamp but they never seem to be interested in going in there. I went out last night to check on them, it was 30 degrees, and they were swimming in their pool that I have in the cage. crazy ducks! I'm just very afraid that they'll get too cold. I'm not sure what to do, I'm just worried about them.

What age are your ducks and what breed are they? If they are fully feathered they don't need a heat lamp. Most ducks are very hardy and the winter we had here in central NY last didn't bother mine at all. In fact, they seemed to enjoy the snow and the winter storms. Too much heat or very hot days are harder on most ducks than the cold.
My Muscovy's have been in the pool before when it was really cold out! I don't know how they stand it
I have a mallard, two cayugas and a pekin! they're all 5 -6 months old. I think I'm just being a worried mom haha but I just want to be safe
They should be fine. It sounds like you have a nice, warm place for them to get out of the cold if they want to. I don't think they even need the heat lamp unless it get REALLY cold. I put a heat lamp in with mine if it gets in the teens, but I don't think I've ever seen them use it. It does work to keep their water thawed, though. Ducks are pretty well equipped to live in the cold. I worry more when it's cold, windy, and rainy, than I do if it's dry and cold.

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