Will my ducks ever stop quacking?!!!!!!!!


12 Years
Dec 28, 2007
I have some 8 week old ducks. Lately all they do is quack! Is this a stage they are going through or is it their personality? Some quack more that others. If I get rid of the biggest quackers, will the others quiet down?
Yeah, ducks just quack. But, they do tend to respond to the environment too. Mine are only loud in the morning when they're anxious to get out of their pen into the luscious grass, and again in the evening when I come out to feed them.

Do they quack more at certain times of day? Can you try to identify a stimulus that is triggering the quacking? Are they fighting? Has something in their environment changed recently? You might be able to modify their environment to help keep them calmer.

Good luck!
One in particular will quack at 6:45 in the morning to get out of the pen and be fed. Sometimes there is quacking because of the chickens but I think one is more of an instigator because when that one starts others start quacking also. They were not like this before. I observed them a lot today and the one quacks at any little thing! Yesterday some fighting/ flirting was going on? Could it be hormones? Also, it seems to be more of one breed.
Certain breeds definitely are louder than others. And yes, hormones will get them going--but the hormones don't ever really go away.

If you want quieter ducks, and you think a certain breed is louder than the other, then you might be happiest finding a new home for the quackers and focusing on the quieter breed.

Good luck!
The breed I have that is noisiest are Welsh Harlequins and those are the ones I wanted to focus on for breeding. I also have Golden 300's for eating eggs and they are a lot quieter. But they are all only 8 weeks old so I have hope that they will quiet down some. I think the noisiest one is trying to demand that I feed her or give her treats. I might stop the treats for a while.

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