Will neutering a bunny make a difference in urine smell?


Sep 19, 2022
My bunny is only 7 weeks old and I enjoy and love him. However how worried should I be when he gets older as his urine will be a stronger smell? Will neutering him at 6 months of age eliminate any foul urine smell?

I haven’t fixed my bunny boy, but I did read about it. It will make it so their urine have less odor but it could also really mess with their personality, could make them friendly and loving but I’ve heard some people have had the opposite effect but I am also pretty sure that was for females. It’s also supposed to make them easier to litter train! They’ll still show signs of trying to court such as honking or circling but nothing bad from what I have read.

I would have gotten my Yves fixed but it’s 400$ to here…
Sometimes male rabbits urine can have a stronger smell when they are wanting to mate or claim territory by spraying. Neutering can prevent this but sometimes it doesn't. Unfortunately this depends on the rabbit.

I have a friend who has a neutered bunny and he would still spray everything. I would recommend litter box training and cleaning this daily. We had a Netherland dwarf bunny in our house that was litter box trained and not neutered. You could hardly tell he was in the house.
My bunny is only 7 weeks old and I enjoy and love him. However how worried should I be when he gets older as his urine will be a stronger smell? Will neutering him at 6 months of age eliminate any foul urine smell?

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I can't recall much of a difference between my does and buck's urine- but I will say it didn't change his personality
It made him easier to train, but he remained the cheeky, energetic, baby he was before.
My does became much less hormonal, and very docile. It was a good change.

But most importantly, spaying and neutering is super benficial to their health. So it's something I'd always reccomend
Fixing definitely helps with the smell. It also makes litter box training 80% easier. The males will also spray to 'mark' their territory. Try reaching out to your local shelter to see if they can get your boy fixed or recommend a cheaper vet.. fixing can also extend their lives (especially non breeding does!)

Best of luck- he's a very cute baby!

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