Will not eat veggies


In the Brooder
Nov 24, 2022
We have 5 months old Rhode Island Reds bantams. Our wonderful neighbor grows big gardens, and he has been sharing the veggies with "the kids". My question is why "the kids" will not eat raw, fresh veggies, except broccoli & fresh corn? I've tried cabbage, turnips, tomatoes, celery (in small pieces), and I end up raking and tossing the wilted veggies after they go to bed.
Anytime you introduce something new to the diet it will take a few times before they eat it. Don't be so quick to remove it. Just toss everything in the run and they will eventually get around to trying them. They will pick out their favorites first and might not want anymore that first day. They will pick at the rest over the next few days.
We have 5 months old Rhode Island Reds bantams. Our wonderful neighbor grows big gardens, and he has been sharing the veggies with "the kids". My question is why "the kids" will not eat raw, fresh veggies, except broccoli & fresh corn? I've tried cabbage, turnips, tomatoes, celery (in small pieces), and I end up raking and tossing the wilted veggies after they go to bed.
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