Will raccoons try to open egg boxes to get into the coop?


10 Years
Feb 26, 2009
I'm finishing up my first coop. We attached the egg box today.
A neighbor with chickens just has bricks sitting on her egg box lid. I'm wondering if I need raccoon proof locks.

All the hardware cloth in the world won't protect the chicks if the egg box gives access.

Just wondering what you all have done to secure the lids of eggboxes or if you worry about it.
Absolutely! The only proof I have had experience with is a padlock and key. The key can be close, just not in the lock. Those little critters are smart and worst of all, they are persistent! Take precautions!
YES!!! you need raccoon proof locks!!! They can turn over a full garbage can, a brick is too easy!!! Make sure that the lock is something that their little hands can't open!!

Good Luck!!

Can raccoons open carabiners? We used those on the locks to our coop. I'm going to move them out in a few days and I want them to be secure.
If you talk to pet-raccoon or raccoon-wildlife-rehabilitator type people, they suggest padlocks, period. Or failing that, a series of double-ended snaps that cannot all be accessed.

I use padlocks on my tractor; keep the key hanging right there on a handy hook so it is not too much of a nuisance.

Certainly I doubt *many* raccoons could unscrew the little whosit on a carbiner. So it kind of comes down to how lucky you feel

Good luck,

Thanks folks
I will install locking closers that require a key.
Glad to know I'm not just being paranoid
padlocks,,on all doors,on all nest box doors,I have the keys hanging on nails above the locks within easy reach,get the bundle package of padlocks that use the same key,no problems with lost keys that way,,

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