will someone "lend" me a hen picture and help me make a carton label?


11 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Western MA
I want to make a present for my father....he got some chickens this summer....I won him over to the dark side! He grew up on a farm, and one day told me his mom would "break up the broodies" and he always begged her to let one hatch some eggs. But it just wasn't done. So I suggested it was time to have his chicks and let one go broody....he has a nice little flock going, and they will soon be laying.

I want to make a label on my computer to cover the top of the egg cartons, with Dick's Chicks and a picture of a hen happily free-ranging. My dad's nickname is Dick and my mom's is Chickie (when she was a kid, so only with some people....) I got my mom in on it but can't seem to get any good pictures of his hens....the ones he sends are grainy and just not good.

So I am hoping someone will be willing to let me "borrow" a picture that I can use until I can travel and take some of his hens with my better camera. I want to surprise him with a few cartons done up with the label when I go to visit next week.

To be clear, he hopes to sell a few eggs to neighbors to defray some feed costs, but he is by no means making any profit, nor will he. Just wanted to be upfront about the use.

I especially would like a picture of a breed that he has, but any cutey-pie will be greatly appreciated. He has Wyandottes: Golden Lace, Silver Lace, and White, and he has some Buff Orpingtons.

We lost most of my pictures when the computer died....a hard lesson in creating back-ups. Now it is Fall here, and muddy and grey, so the free hen scampering across the lawn look is not happening here until spring.

Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
Something like this?
Thanks, Aiwetir! Such great pix! love the fisheyes, but will choose the Buff, it is perfect. I will see what I can do with it early this week, and if I am smart enough to get it done.

Thanks, too, Mac, but I was looking for photos.
Wow, what a selection! Debi, what a cute Buff, I just love their fluffy butts. And that must be an Americauna, classic picture, mac, just the kind I wanted. Leghorn wasn't at the top of my list, Attack, but....what a great shot and a perfect choice for an egg carton.

How am I going to choose????

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