I have a flock of 17, 2 rooster and 15 hens, all about 5.5 months old. One rooster, the alpha, is my favorite. Hes a EE mutt looking thing, but he has beautiful tail feathers and has always been the boss. Lately though he is a bit of a butthead. Jumping on all the ladies, trying to attack both my kids. I've decided he's going to freezer camp, my 6 year old is a short guy and it's not worth losing his eyes to keep the jerk face rooster. The other rooster is a Buff Orpington. Hes gigantic and beautiful and so far incredibly gentle. He rarely crows though and is super sweet thus far to the ladies. Will he take the place of the Alpha rooster once I dispatch of him? Start taking over the duties he seems to leave to the EE, like attempting to mate or pointing out good treats? Or just being a little more protective of the hens? Right now he just goes along with the crowd, super chill and just seems to relax most of the day.