I have four chicks
1 BR
1 Silkie
and really they arnt mine, I got them for someone that didnt want to deal with the touchy time consumeing tiny chick phaze. He says he will probly come get them Next monday. They will be about 4 weeks old maybe.
He says he is gonna put a heat lamp in his shed and put straw on the floor for them . Will this be ok for them till they have there feathers and can go out side with the other chickens?
1 BR
1 Silkie
and really they arnt mine, I got them for someone that didnt want to deal with the touchy time consumeing tiny chick phaze. He says he will probly come get them Next monday. They will be about 4 weeks old maybe.
He says he is gonna put a heat lamp in his shed and put straw on the floor for them . Will this be ok for them till they have there feathers and can go out side with the other chickens?