To cut along story short we purchased what we thought was 3 pullets about 3 weeks ago i had my suspisions one was a roo which was confirmed yesterday when he was mounting another chick, we quickly got him in a box and returned him to seller who gladly swapped him for a she (hope so), anyway when we got back last night we introuduced her to my other 2 pullets and they were fine had something to eat had and a roam around the run and then went up into the coop and all snuggled together on one purch never heard anything more from them.
Went to let them out in the run why i did the school run this morning and they were fine again the new one came out in the run for a while then returned back to the coop, just heard abit of commotion and my other 2 pullets were chasing and getting abit nasty with her, they are now locked in the coop why the new 1 as a roam of the run and some food and water.
Is it always going to be like this or will they learn to get on, i think they are around 11 weeks and the new 1 abit younger as she is smaller than them? Is it right to keep tem seperated for a little while or will this just make them want to pick on her more?
After ive picked my little boy up from nursery im going to let them free range so hopefully they might bond abit better.
What are your thoughts anyone had the same problem?
Help & advice greatly appreciated.
To cut along story short we purchased what we thought was 3 pullets about 3 weeks ago i had my suspisions one was a roo which was confirmed yesterday when he was mounting another chick, we quickly got him in a box and returned him to seller who gladly swapped him for a she (hope so), anyway when we got back last night we introuduced her to my other 2 pullets and they were fine had something to eat had and a roam around the run and then went up into the coop and all snuggled together on one purch never heard anything more from them.
Went to let them out in the run why i did the school run this morning and they were fine again the new one came out in the run for a while then returned back to the coop, just heard abit of commotion and my other 2 pullets were chasing and getting abit nasty with her, they are now locked in the coop why the new 1 as a roam of the run and some food and water.
Is it always going to be like this or will they learn to get on, i think they are around 11 weeks and the new 1 abit younger as she is smaller than them? Is it right to keep tem seperated for a little while or will this just make them want to pick on her more?
After ive picked my little boy up from nursery im going to let them free range so hopefully they might bond abit better.
What are your thoughts anyone had the same problem?
Help & advice greatly appreciated.