Will they have room in a brinsea 20 with 10 egg carton


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 31, 2010
Marathon, Wi
So this is the first time hatching in a egg carton. 10 eggs, my first just hatched. 4 have piped, will they all fit???? I have a sponge in there too. Im hoping after the 4 hatch to go in and take out the carton but cant really do much right now.....What do you all think!!!

I hatched in a 20 egg carton base, in a 24 egg incubator. It was a real squeeze in there once they popped out, and I couldn't lave teh chicks in too long, but they seemed to enjoy climbing all over everything. It did cut down soewhat on the mess, and did prevent foot ball going on in there. Will be doing te same this time, but as I only have 11 or 10 (1 suspect) for hatching this time will make an L shape witht he cartons and leave most of the tray free. Plus, I can't see the middle of my bator due to the heating assembly so this way I can keep an eye on all eggs.
The newest arrival is having a hard time getting out of the shell, he popped the top, but cant get his butt out, poor guy...


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