Will they survive? :(


10 Years
Mar 29, 2009
Russell County
Well, we purchased 30 Wyandotte chicks from Paul's Poultry and they didn't have a good trip 2 were DOA... and another 7 have passed away within 1-2 days... and now I have 2 that are on the verge!

They were all poopy butt so I had to clean them up
I have 2 that are in pretty weak state, but 1 is finally up and bouncing around, the other one doesn't move much BUT she (I decided it's a she lol) peeps and makes a fit when she's not with me. I handfed her today (I'd hold it and she'd peck it off) and she just pooed it out. Now I'm feeding her again, though not with much luck.

WIll they make it? You think?

You think Paul's Poultry will help refund? We're down to 20 chicks if these two die
Only 3 days!

And he kinda sorta got our stuff mixed up. We wanted at as many BLRW as possible and somehow thought we'd manage to figure out at least 12-15 and 12-15 of whatever he had left... well, we only got 3 BLRW :-/ Bah!

Scared to complain though
BF doesn't want to bother him since he was so nice!

Edit; the rest look okay but it took a LOT of work to get them to where they are, but you never know if they decide to drop like flies! But for approximately $10 a piece, they're expensive :-/
Ack! And we've done everything right, the trip was just so hard on these little guys!

EDIT: PLEASE note, I am NOT bashing Paul's Poultry. Out of Many and I mean many (imagine having your face GLUED to your screen for weeks upon end) breeders, we chose J Paul, because his birds were gorgeous (honestly LOOK at his birds!), wonderfully priced and he worked so hard on his bloodlines and what not. I was more upset about them dying than anything! I think that the trip on them was hard. ANY trip on chicks is hard! ESPECIALLY early spring/late winter traveling a long ways away! It would be MY fault for wanting them this early as well as the unpredictability of the weather! If I had to order again, I'd go right back to Paul and I would recommend him as well! Period. Go straight to the breeder! His birds are amazing! The main reason why I posted this was because I was sick silly (I always get sick when I see a weak chick, it's just my nature to want to save a little peep!) over trying to raise a few little peeps who just would not live for me! It just goes to show that there are a few things in getting shipped chicks! Sometimes the weather permits and you receive happy healthy chicks, but once in awhile you get sick, dying, dead chicks. It sucks, but it's the cost of shipping chicks! I've shipped chicks and have had casualties and it's just something expected! Once again, JP's birds are amazing! I would believe they are one of the TOP BLRW producers! As for the numbers for BLRW, we had 3 that were BLRW + SBLRW - I'm sure the rest are BlkLRW that just come with the genetics coding.
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Most places have "live arrival" guarentees. So, yes, you should mention this to him. Just be as pleasant and polite as possible.

Are you sure about the breeds? If you are sure... then mention that too. Was this a hatchery or breeder or just backyard guy? I never heard of Paul's Poultry.
I would inform Paul's Poultry about the chicks dying and being DOA.

Maybe they need to change their shipping methods?

I've never had birds shipped to me, so can't help much.
He breeds beautiful Blue Laced Red Wyandottes - far from Hatchery standard, look it up! He's not the top, but he's also not the bottom! He's got some beautiful birds and he does a lot of work with them to better them. Usually you get recommended to him; probably not as well known as Foley (since she does come on here and chat with us
) but he spends as much time as she does working on them I believe!

I'm just a wee bit sad, I"m sure it's misunderstanding

The thing I worry about is, only 2 were dead on arrival, the other 7 (maybe 9 to be) were just dropping like flies. They weren't in too bad condition, but they didn't look great either! I've had a box of hatchery chicks who showed up lively and well! Yet I've had another box who were lively and well, but weren't as good as the first box of hatchery birds - they did die, but only 3-4 and that's because they were teeny tiny bantams and we got extras so no worries!

I just don't want to bother him you know? Or seem like a snob :-/ Which I won't be, but I just worry! I"m sure he's a busy man!
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He breeds beautiful Blue Laced Red Wyandottes - far from Hatchery standard, look it up! He's not the top, but he's also not the bottom! He's got some beautiful birds and he does a lot of work with them to better them. Usually you get recommended to him; probably not as well known as Foley (since she does come on here and chat with us
) but he spends as much time as she does working on them I believe!

I'm just a wee bit sad, I"m sure it's misunderstanding

The thing I worry about is, only 2 were dead on arrival, the other 7 (maybe 9 to be) were just dropping like flies. They weren't in too bad condition, but they didn't look great either! I've had a box of hatchery chicks who showed up lively and well! Yet I've had another box who were lively and well, but weren't as good as the first box of hatchery birds - they did die, but only 3-4 and that's because they were teeny tiny bantams and we got extras so no worries!

I just don't want to bother him you know? Or seem like a snob :-/ Which I won't be, but I just worry! I"m sure he's a busy man!

I know what you are saying, but I still think you should say something about the dead and dying. He needs to know if there are sick birds. Maybe make a mention of it without asking for some sort of refund. As for not getting the breed you wanted... that is a touchy subject. I would, personally, first review emails and any type of communications I had with him (so long as you have them) and re-read what I wrote to him and vice versa. Then you could see if maybe something was written in a way to be misunderstood. I have this problem, myself... it's my nature to assume people understand what I mean. lol.

He may have problems on his end... wrong feed making babies not as robust. There are breeder feeds... just like there are layer feeds and broiler feeds. He may have a little bit too much inbreeding going on
. And it also could have just been one of those things. I do know as someone who breeds chickens that hens need certain vitamins for chicks to be hatched healthy.

I went through something simular. I had ordered very expensive eggs from a very nice breeder. They hatched well... very well... but there was a VERY high percentage of cripples. I hatch alot... and I hatched other breeds in the same incubator at the same time, so it was the breed with the issue. I never did say anything because they were eggs I bought, but rest assured if I ordered chicks and they were unhealthy... I'd say something.
He breeds beautiful Blue Laced Red Wyandottes - far from Hatchery standard, look it up! He's not the top, but he's also not the bottom! He's got some beautiful birds and he does a lot of work with them to better them. Usually you get recommended to him; probably not as well known as Foley (since she does come on here and chat with us
) but he spends as much time as she does working on them I believe!

I'm just a wee bit sad, I"m sure it's misunderstanding

The thing I worry about is, only 2 were dead on arrival, the other 7 (maybe 9 to be) were just dropping like flies. They weren't in too bad condition, but they didn't look great either! I've had a box of hatchery chicks who showed up lively and well! Yet I've had another box who were lively and well, but weren't as good as the first box of hatchery birds - they did die, but only 3-4 and that's because they were teeny tiny bantams and we got extras so no worries!

I just don't want to bother him you know? Or seem like a snob :-/ Which I won't be, but I just worry! I"m sure he's a busy man!

I know what you are saying, but I still think you should say something about the dead and dying. He needs to know if there are sick birds. Maybe make a mention of it without asking for some sort of refund. As for not getting the breed you wanted... that is a touchy subject. I would, personally, first review emails and any type of communications I had with him (so long as you have them) and re-read what I wrote to him and vice versa. Then you could see if maybe something was written in a way to be misunderstood. I have this problem, myself... it's my nature to assume people understand what I mean. lol.

He may have problems on his end... wrong feed making babies not as robust. There are breeder feeds... just like there are layer feeds and broiler feeds. He may have a little bit too much inbreeding going on
. And it also could have just been one of those things. I do know as someone who breeds chickens that hens need certain vitamins for chicks to be hatched healthy.

I went through something simular. I had ordered very expensive eggs from a very nice breeder. They hatched well... very well... but there was a VERY high percentage of cripples. I hatch alot... and I hatched other breeds in the same incubator at the same time, so it was the breed with the issue. I never did say anything because they were eggs I bought, but rest assured if I ordered chicks and they were unhealthy... I'd say something.

Thanks so much!
I always have my own eggs incubating so I know what eggs I am sending out to people (if there are issues, etc. etc. and to know fertility).

Too bad most of the conversations are on the phone ACK! LOL
But that's a good thing! I'll muster up the courage LOL

O.O What sort of crippling? poor chicks
Legs... bad. One had it's leg cross the other one and it would trip itself and fall... I worked with that one for two weeks before having to put it out of it's misery. Another had it's leg twisted backwards! I put it down right away. And another was just mangled up ... really hard to explain. It got put down right away too. that is out of 12 eggs. 100% hatch, but had to put down three.
your not a snob or bothering him...its his business...he has the obligation to help with those situations as the owner and you have the obligation as the customer to tell him if something wrong
there's nice ways to put everything! GL and sorry about your chicks! I'd tell him!

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