Will this roo work with these hens???

yardbird tx

12 Years
Dec 31, 2007
Austin, Texas
I got four new hens yesterday and my little bantam roo just loves them. They are Cochens and really big. Will he be able to mate with them.

Here a a couple of pics.

I have an EE Bantam with my standard girls and i find some eggs to not be fertile, but i think its just that he has his favorites
My bantam rooster is the friskiest out of all of them. He definitely rules the roost and has no problem mating our hens that are pushing 10-12lbs.
Yeah, he'll do just fine. Just takes longer to learn where to grab onto. My little silkie boy took about 2 months to figure out head versus tail on the big girls, and then another month to realize he can't grab their necks because he couldn't reach.... he grabbed shoulder/back feathers. LOL

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