will this work to get s broody


May 21, 2015
Northern Massachusetts
I have 2 silkies and they have been laying a few months and I want them to be broody there is only 10 hours of light so if I give them artificial lighting and leave eggs in the boxes will that make her want to be broody
Well, there is no proven way to make a hen go broody. If you search the forums there are a few different ways that have been said to work. The nest box should a bit dark inside, chickens like a dark cozy place to sit on eggs. Hopefully seeing so any eggs would make her broody. I have read that leaving the eggs does help, I do not think the light would help broodiness.
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Well, there is no proven way to make a hen go broody. If you search the forums there are a few different ways that have been said to work. The nest box should a bit dark inside, chickens like a dark cozy place to sit on eggs. Hopefully seeing so any eggs would make her broody. I have read that leaving the eggs does help, I do not think the light would help broodiness.

Agreed. They'll be broody when it suits them - thats not always when it suits us I'm afraid.


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