Will two chickens be happy?


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2021
Hello all! I had chickens several years ago, but due to some unfortunate circumstances (aka didn't pick a very good chicken sitter while I was away) they were all killed. Now, years later, I would really like to get some chickens again. I am trying to do this all on a shoe string budget. My chicken coop has rotted pretty badly, and I think it will be easier to scrap it and start over then to try to make it useable. I found a local person that can make me a two nesting box coop with a run within my budget. Question is, will two chickens be happy together? I know chickens need friends, but my budget is limiting how large of a coop I can get for right now.
You can do more than 2 chickens with 2 nesting boxes...3-4 would easily work with 2 nesting boxes. The coop needs to have space for them though - 10 inches or more roost bar per bird and 4 square feet of floor space per bird is the guideline I've heard. And 10+ square feet per chicken in the run.

I wouldn't just get 2 chickens, because then when one dies you'll have a very lonely chicken left behind. If you have 3 or 4, chances of that are lower.
Where are you located? What is climate like? Harsh/severe weather cause the chickens to stay inside more, so space is more of a factor. But, roost space is important..a minimum of approx 10” per bird. Mine (all large and standard sized breeds) actually squeeze 9 to a 5’ roost bar - to be fair it is the highest roost bar. The others on the lower bars are more evenly spaced out.

agree with above -get at least 3-4 birds.
Where are you located? What is climate like? Harsh/severe weather cause the chickens to stay inside more, so space is more of a factor. But, roost space is important..a minimum of approx 10” per bird. Mine (all large and standard sized breeds) actually squeeze 9 to a 5’ roost bar - to be fair it is the highest roost bar. The others on the lower bars are more evenly spaced out.

agree with above -get at least 3-4 birds.

I am in southern Michigan, it can get quite cold here, and this winter we had a foot of snow on the ground for an extended period of time.
They'll be okay, but 3-4 is always good (just incase one passes away) but it's always hard to not buy more after your 4th or 5th one, I had 8 at the start, now i have 106 chickens!

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