Will we see our pets again?

I think this is why many non-Christians have bad feelings toward us Christians in general, and I'd like to apologize for it. We seem to think it is our duty to bash people who don't think or believe as we do, yet Jesus never did that. He told us, in fact, not to judge others. The way I see it, it's my job to do what He did, which is to love unconditionally. When people are accepted as they are and loved as they are, they will be drawn to Him. Then they will become like Him. If anything needs to be changed in their lives, He will take care of that. How do I know this? Because He has changed me. He is still changing me. I want to be more like Him every day. 'Cuz He's awesome and amazing.
That stinks, I'm sorry to hear that. 🙁is there a treatment for it?

I'm always tired, I never get enough sleep. I'm pretty much blackout mode by the afternoon... but I eat some jet alerts and I'm okay.
No treatment, I have to lay down and sleep otherwise my body will make me sleep.
It's more than being just tired, it's like you've been up for 3 days tired. Alhamdulillah though. I am thankful for the moments awake that I have.
No treatment, I have to lay down and sleep otherwise my body will make me sleep.
It's more than being just tired, it's like you've been up for 3 days tired. Alhamdulillah though. I am thankful for the moments awake that I have.
Narcolepsy, maybe? Low blood sugar? Low thyroid? Hope you get to the bottom of it!

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