Will we see our pets again?

I am a Christian, but I don't know very much about it in a way. What I do know, is that our Father is real, and He loves us, never mind what we do, as long as we try our best.
I also believe that animals do have souls, and I think we will see them again.
This is just what I think, and I might be wrong about something.
I am a Christian, but I don't know very much about it in a way. What I do know, is that our Father is real, and He loves us, never mind what we do, as long as we try our best.
I also believe that animals do have souls, and I think we will see them again.
This is just what I think, and I might be wrong about something.
Sussex, God does love all His children unconditionally, but that is not what saves us.. in order to be saved we must:
1. Realize that we are hoplessly lost in sin and that nothing we do can earn heaven for us.
2. Recognize that Jesus, the eternal Son of God, left heaven, took on the form of a human and lived a perfect, sinless life on our behalf, then took our sins on Himself and suffered our penalty for us, enduring the death on the cross for us. On the third day He rose from the tomb and ascended to the Father where He now lives, making intercession for us.
3. We can have eternal life ONLY by believing that He died for us and accepting His sacrifice for us. By faith we believe that although we deserve death, He died for us so we can have the gift of eternal life. He gives us a new heart of obedience in place of our heart of sinful rebellion, and we love to do His will. Obedience to His will becomes easy because He lives out His life in us. We can experience this new birth simply by asking for it!
4. At the end of time Jesus will return to take His loyal subjects back to heaven with Him. We will live with Him forever, never suffering pain or sorrow again and there will be no death.

Jesus saves us from the PENALTY of sin by forgiving us when we confess our sins to Him.. That's justification. He saves us from the POWER of sin by giving us a new heart with His law written in it, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, as we walk with Him day by day, reading the Bible, praying to Him and fellowshipping with other believers, becoming transformed into His likeness. That's Sanctification. And finally, when He comes, He saves us eternally from the PRESENCE of sin, cleansing the universe of it entirely. That's glorification. Praise God!

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