Wind Chill Tomorrow Morning I’m scared


May 5, 2020
Kendallville Indiana, US
Ok so tomorrow the weather calls for wind chill as low as -20. It’s been really cold lately that my ducks just stay in their house all day. It’s insulated so it does block out the wind. Should I still let them out? Will they be okay? I will definitely add more straw in the morning. Is there anything else I Can do?
You are doing great. Let them stay in if they want, and if they come out make sure they get back in. Make sure they have drinkable water once or twice a day.

My ducks usually stay sheltered during bad weather, too. If the bad weather stretches on for a few days, they might get a bit stir-crazy and go out.

Don't feel bad if you decide to keep them in during bad weather. It will not hurt them to stay in their coop during bad weather if the have food and water. The straw you are providing will be a definite plus!
Do you have any wind baffles in their run? I'm using intact straw bales in mine.

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Because of friction with the ground, the wind is not as severe down at the ground level where the birds are as it is up where we are. :)

I have seen my ladies out foraging during tropical storms in no apparent danger from the winds.

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