Window Design... Which one looks better?


11 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Murray Kentucky
Trying to figure out what design I want to do for windows in my coop. Opinions?

The TOP part of the window opens upward.. While the BOTTOM section will be hinged and will open outward.

Option 1)


This option uses three windows for the bottom. They will open like a tri-fold door.. The logistics of that are still mucking about in my head.

Option 2)


This option uses four windows for the bottom. This will allow an easier bi-fold setup so that the left set opens one way and the right open the other way, as pairs.

NOTE: In option 2, I'm considering making the top window thinner so that they all level off.. The look is not only a function over form one, but also to mirror the look of the run.

So what say you?
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I would choose #2 if I were building the coop. Our (house) loft windows are similar (long transom on top, two on the bottom that crank out). It's nice in the summer because depending on which way the breeze is blowing from, you can just crank out the window (or in your case window pair) that catches it. If you used the tri-fold set-up, that wouldn't be an option (as far as I can tell). Either way it's sure going to look great!!

P.S. I do agree w/most others that the tri-fold looks nicer, but I just think #2 would be more useful.
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I would do an awning type with top hinge and a prop to set opening. Keeps rain out. I would do vents that can be opened or closed at bottoms, or if you need light, do home made fixed windows. I would do hardware cloth screens fixed, inside. Or, do chicken wire over 2x4 welded wire fixed inside. Alternative that I did was to make a screen frame of 2x2 and use two hinges on one side so as to be able to work on windows or wash same if needed or raise/lower from inside too. These are interior screens over conventional double hung sash windows. I used 2 screen-door hooks opposite side from hinges to secure them in closed condition, which is 99% of time. (If open, chooks will sit on sills and poop up a pile there for you to clean.) Standard door hinges cheaper than smaller hinges too, and will take moor abuse.
I think that the second and third options will be a real construction/maintenance problem and are inherently structurally weak. Of the designs shown, the first seems most sensible but I'd have the bottom half tilt *inward* not outward, it keeps rain and wind out much better that way. (You can perfectly well predator-screen it *either way*, of course)

Honestly they all look like they are higher on the "aesthetics while in sketch form" scale than on the "actually buildable, usefully functional as windows and ventilation, and likely to function well over the long haul" scale. Which is fine if you just want a challenging project and don't mind fooling with or replacing 'em as time goes by, but, just pointing this out on the offchance you might not be aware of it

Good lcuk, have fun,

Having the top window tilt outward will have no baring on rain.. And it can't tilt in as there is hardware cloth in the way.

Besides.. I have a 2' overhangs on the side.. Rain is a null issue, windows or no windows.. I never have anything blow in.


gsim: a 3' tall by 3' wide awning window would be absurd and would be far too heavy to last. But then, I didn't give dimensions... I only asked for an opinion between option ONE and option TWO..

Mr. Peepers: No clue where you got the idea that outward opening windows can not be screened. There IS another side, still. It's called the inside.

Anyway.. Thanks to those who stuck to the question at hand for option ONE vs. option TWO.. Much appreciated.
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