Wing flapping?

Mike Winters

8 Years
Nov 13, 2011
What does it mean? Sometimes when i go to feed them one will stand up tall and flap there wings then run away for about 10 feet. I think it as something to do with them being surprised the lowest ranking female and rooster seem to do it the must.
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Occasionally, one of our hens will do this, but I think it's just for stretching the wings. The roo definitely does it to be seen, though. He flaps often, just while foraging with the rest. He's very predictable about it when my DH or I are out of sight and them come into his view. If a stranger comes into "his" yard, he'll flap and proceed to crow until they leave (at a minimum). So just another way to stake a claim.
Opposite, my dominate ones seem to do it the most and do you attempt to approach them before they run away(even the slightest movement at all) ? Mine will run at my slightest movement but if I stay still they will flap 2 or even 3 times again.

What does it mean? Sometimes when i go to feed them one will stand up tall and flap there wings then run away for about 10 feet. I think it as something to do with them being surprised the lowest ranking female and rooster seem to do it the must.
Opposite, my dominate ones seem to do it the most and do you attempt to approach them before they run away(even the slightest movement at all) ? Mine will run at my slightest movement but if I stay still they will flap 2 or even 3 times again.
Occasionally, one of our hens will do this, but I think it's just for stretching the wings. The roo definitely does it to be seen, though. He flaps often, just while foraging with the rest. He's very predictable about it when my DH or I are out of sight and them come into his view. If a stranger comes into "his" yard, he'll flap and proceed to crow until they leave (at a minimum). So just another way to stake a claim.

Yes mine do flap more when a stranger comes into their territory, and get vocal about their intrusion into their space also.
I believe ArticFowl is closest to home - My territory, my hens, my food, my ROOST and I CAN outrun you TOO !!! LOL (};-D})
After all "For he who fights and runs away may live to fight another day" !!! (Oliver Goldsmith):

"For he who fights and runs away
May live to fight another day;
But he who is in battle slain
Can never rise to fight again."
My roosters always do this when they see me. I think it's a sign of submission. I've seen lower ranking roosters do it to higher ranking ones. To me it's a good sign that says they submit to me, it is often done with their backs to me or showing me their side, which is also submissive posturing.

There is also just excited to see you flapping that is often followed by crazy running, especially by younger birds.

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