Wings of War RP chat thread

i made a fledge. Does anyone want to make parents?

Name: Styrka
Flock: Oster
Age: 6 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Fledge
Breed: Silkie
Description: View attachment 552637
Personality: Fierce but kind if you are a friend
Parents: OPEN
Siblings: dead
Mate/crush: none
Chicks: none
History: born and raised in Oster
Other: Loyal supporter of Hercules and wants to be a warrior
Username: silkieRaiser
Hmm....Storm likes a challenge.. hhehe
the first one :p
Then, you get DOVE!
Hmm, she's a though one, watch out, Storm.
i made a fledge. Does anyone want to make parents?

Name: Styrka
Flock: Oster
Age: 6 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Fledge
Breed: Silkie
Description: View attachment 552637
Personality: Fierce but kind if you are a friend
Parents: OPEN
Siblings: dead
Mate/crush: none
Chicks: none
History: born and raised in Oster
Other: Loyal supporter of Hercules and wants to be a warrior
Username: silkieRaiser
i made a fledge. Does anyone want to make parents?

Name: Styrka
Flock: Oster
Age: 6 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Fledge
Breed: Silkie
Description: View attachment 552637
Personality: Fierce but kind if you are a friend
Parents: OPEN
Siblings: dead
Mate/crush: none
Chicks: none
History: born and raised in Oster
Other: Loyal supporter of Hercules and wants to be a warrior
Username: silkieRaiser
Sure, i can make her mom

Name: Fluffy
flock Oster
age 2 years
gender MALE
breed silkie, white
personality friendly, cautious
description he's just fluffy bro
rank fledger
siblings: n/a
mate: n/a
chicks: Styrka
history: freaks out when it rains
username: Flufferes

does that look ok?
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