WINNERS ANNOUNCED p 10!! Most Beautiful Thanksgiving Dinner photo


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
Enter a photo of your cooked Thanksgiving Turkey, Goose, Duck, TV-dinner, whatever... or your whole Thanksgiving Table!


-- Must be a photo taken in 2008

-- The photo can be just the "star" of the show (usually a stuffed, roasted Turkey, Goose, Duck...)
-- Your Thanksgiving dinner table all laid out

-- The photo can show family, friends, guests, pets... (it can be humorous of course)

-- If you do not happen to celebrate Thanksgiving, or celebrate it on a different date (like in Canada), you can still enter the contest!


Contest will run for 2 weeks after U.S. Thanksgiving Nov 27th.


1) chickabee19 (moi) -- VOTED
2) joebwe25 -- VOTED
3) theirothermother -- VOTED
4) tuffoldhen -- VOTED

I haven't heard from Ticks or Chamelle, so we're going to announce the winners 12-19-08


From Tuffoldhen: ONE DOZEN BBS Orpington Hatching Eggs!!!


From Theirothermother: a set of Turkey Eggs!!!

We can let the First Place winner decide which prize to take, and the other prize can go to the Second Place winner since the prizes are equally wonderful!
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I'd love to be a judge....

Prize - I'd be willing to send 6 BBS Orpington hatching eggs with extras if I have them for Early Spring if someone would like those.
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A friend of mine is a chef who works for Time Warner. She photographs food for the magazines. None of it is actually cooked, it's just made to look cooked. It's just so funny to hear the trade secrets.
Thanksgiving is at my house this year (I think, I never really know what my mom and aunt [the two people who switch between Christmas and Thanksgiving every year] are planning). I'll take a pic

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