Winter 2010 HomeMade Incubator Contest - Win $20 Gift - Winner!

If you can get the pictures and info posted today we can add it to the contest. Otherwise we can wait for the next one, which hopefully will be sooner than a year from now.
Okay friends, we have a winner of the $20 BYC Store Gift Certificate:

Congrats to toxo and the "Wine cooler incubator" for such a great design, pictures, and information!

Of course remember, we're all winners when our members submit their incubator designs to share with the world. The homemade incubator designs get visited by hundreds of thousands of peeps every month and helps us share our wonderful hobby with the world.

Thanks to everyone who created a BYC Incubator Page to share. All the pages submitted to this contest have been added to our homemade incubator section.


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