Winter and Summer Watering system w/ waterer nipples and heater.

Oh ok thanks that makes sense:) I don't have a tractor at the house :( they're kept down the road at the cow farm but I have a snowblower to clear a path to the coop. I'll just use the kids sled to haul the water down to the barrel so I don't have to carry the containers.
Oh ok thanks that makes sense:) I don't have a tractor at the house
they're kept down the road at the cow farm but I have a snowblower to clear a path to the coop. I'll just use the kids sled to haul the water down to the barrel so I don't have to carry the containers.

That'll work. :eek:)

If you're anywhere near Buffalo, you have my sympathy. Brrrrrrrrrr!
I have been researching about watering in the winter also. I live in upstate new York. I do not have electric to my coop and It's to far for a hose to reach . I don't want to have to carry buckets in 6 ft of snow everyday.... So here is my plan... I got a 50 gallon black barrel with a lid I'm going to put it on a black rubber mat and around the barrel I want to build a box to stop the wind from hitting it and fill the space between the barrel and box with hay and other insulators I have laying around . I have read that it would take a few days for they water to freeze in the barrel. Once or twice a week I could replenish the barrel and get threw the winter .Hope this works! Any ideas?? Or advice??

You could also paint the tank black to try to absorb the most amount of heat. Or create some type of solar collector that pumps with heat with a solar panel. I'd also think about using spray foam around the tank as an insulation. Its expensive, but the best. good luck
I have been researching about watering in the winter also. I live in upstate new York. I do not have electric to my coop and It's to far for a hose to reach . I don't want to have to carry buckets in 6 ft of snow everyday.... So here is my plan... I got a 50 gallon black barrel with a lid I'm going to put it on a black rubber mat and around the barrel I want to build a box to stop the wind from hitting it and fill the space between the barrel and box with hay and other insulators I have laying around . I have read that it would take a few days for they water to freeze in the barrel. Once or twice a week I could replenish the barrel and get threw the winter .Hope this works! Any ideas?? Or advice??

You could also paint the tank black to try to absorb the most amount of heat. Or create some type of solar collector that pumps with heat with a solar panel. I'd also think about using spray foam around the tank as an insulation. Its expensive, but the best. good luck

Kimmerjo......Will it be in the sun?
Yes as much as it can be ... I live in the woods (we just kind of made our own bubble in the forest)so it will have to be on the east side of my coop which also gets all the wind.
I have been thinking about this water freezing problem... The problem is that water freezes right....??? Well if water freezes then snow melts... What if you put a bucket waterer with snow in it in your coop, the heat in the coop would melt the snow into water right? Problem solved you could still bring them water the melted snow would be back up

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