Winter coming


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 5, 2014
We had our first eggs a couple weeks ago. Our chickens are laying eggs daily now. Any word about water for them during cold winters?
We had our first eggs a couple weeks ago. Our chickens are laying eggs daily now. Any word about water for them during cold winters?
Hi and welcome to BYC. I'm not sure I am understanding just what you are asking - are you looking for advice on keeping water from freezing, asking about how much water they need in the winter or something else entirely?
Congrats on the first eggs!
Seems I check and fill their water daily. They're thirsty! Was wondering what you might do to keep their drinking water from freezing?
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Yes, heated water bowls are great. Otherwise you'll have to refill their waterer with warm water every two hours which is not such a smart idea. If you get snowed in or have chores to do your chickens will run out of water so heated waterers are you best bet.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

You can use heated water bases specially made for poultry. They even make heated water fonts as well. You can get these at some poultry suppliers on line. But what I do is get a heated dog water dish. Now, I don't like the birds dipping their wattles in the deep water. So I cut the sides down so it becomes just a base and then place the water font on top of the heated base. They don't get hot enough to hurt the plastic. BUT...ALWAYS keep them on bricks or a cement block. NEVER place these heated water bases directly on bedding. They CAN start a fire!!! So cement or bricks work well.

You can also do like Moutain Peeps suggested and bring out warm water every few hours too. And don't worry about keeping water warm over night. Chickens are not drinking at night when they are sleeping. Day time only.

Good luck and welcome to our flock!
You can use heated water bases specially made for poultry.
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. Congratulations on those eggs. It's always so exciting to get those first ones. X2 on heated water bases. They work great, and it's one of several reasons that I like galvanized waterers. You can use the heated water bases with them. If you're not familiar with the heated water base, you can see it at Please feel free to ask any other questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck in getting many more eggs.
We made a heater base out of cement block with light bulb in middle, clay pot sitter over it and set the fount on top. Found instructions on BYC or you tube?

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