Cayenne and related spices do not create warming in the since of heat generation, rather it chemically affects nerves associated with sensing heat.
When feeding to fish, I mix into formulation mix immediately prior to running through meat grinder where noodles are formed. Noodles dried, broken up and ready to eat as pellets. Pellet color very much affected by spice even at levels below what I fed out. Spice level did not influence feed intake in slightest. Burned my mouth big time when I tried to eat one pellet after seeing bass not affected and thought I possibly screwed up by not adding enough spice.
Cayenne and related spices do not create warming in the since of heat generation, rather it chemically affects nerves associated with sensing heat.
When feeding to fish, I mix into formulation mix immediately prior to running through meat grinder where noodles are formed. Noodles dried, broken up and ready to eat as pellets. Pellet color very much affected by spice even at levels below what I fed out. Spice level did not influence feed intake in slightest. Burned my mouth big time when I tried to eat one pellet after seeing bass not affected and thought I possibly screwed up by not adding enough spice.