Winter in my crazy run build

Love it!!! :eek::love:wee
I am also trying to beat winter while setting up my big duck pen. It is 16F here today but it’s supposed to be back up in the high 30s for 10 days. So hopefully I can get some work done. :fl
Fingers crossed you get that warm up! Now if we start talking ducks I'll be contemplating building them nicer digs as well. Their outdoor run could be bigger and nicer but I'm space squeezed. Hmmm.
Do u build these for other people or is it just urself?
I just really wanted some covered run space in a really windy spot so they could move around in the long snowy season. I'd seen so many great hoop coop designs I got inspired to make it work somehow. Stumbled into a great deal on the clear poly carb panels and got great help here from aart. Seems like it's working out.

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