Winter incubation set, anyone else!!

Still have 12 eggs in the bator that haven't done anything yet. Hoping they are just late, not dead. Thankfully, I have 7 that are cheeping and eating and drinking and running all over the makeshift brooder!
Alright! So day 21, and I have 5 incredibly adorable and fluffy peeps running around my brooder in the bathroom (yeah we sacrifice our bathroom once a year to chickens.)

We still have 4 eggs that are just sitting and doing nothing. I grow more and more suspicious that they are dead :(

BUT, 5 is more than what I actually expected, given the cold snap during their shipping, and the fact that I'm flamingly new at incubating. 50% aint bad!
Wow! What a day this has been! First of all, congrats to all you who have been hatching these past few days
. I love the pics of the new peeps! My hatch has gone well, I have 18 new little chicks, all happy and content. Friday night I had a chick (one of the shipped) pip and remain until this morning. The chick was chirping and sticking its beak out through the same hole that it originally made but not making any progress. Thinking it was disoriented from shipping (especially considering that only 2 out of the 13 made it to lockdown and only this one had pipped) I decided to help it out. Well, I got the egg open and realized that this poor thing was stuck inside it inner membrane. It seemed like it was a sticky chick but none of the others had that problem so I am still not sure what caused it?! I carefully rubbed the membrane off in an effort to free this little guys head but the poor thing was literally glued into a tiny ball. I eventually got him unstuck and put him back in. To put this in perspective, this chick was glued together for about 48+ hours. I got him just to the point where he could kick off the last of his shell and hoped he would do the rest on his own. Wrong...he just laid there panting and was horrible. Almost all day I was watching him and waiting. He dried out a bit when I nticed that it appeared he only had one wing. This made it clear why he hadnt yet gotten up or walked around. It wasnt until the end of the day that I realized his wing was actually still glued to his head
So back out he came for a bath of warm water...again until I got the wing unstuck! He has been free and unhinged for about three hours now and is doing really well. The only remaining problem is that his feet are curled from not using them in the first few hours. Tomorrow morning I will be booting him and moving him to the bator. Strong little guy, though, Ill tell you!
Congratulations everyone! Sunnyllama, I am so glad you were able to help your little one!! What a great rescue! Love the pictures, and now wishing I had kept my son's baby toys to use as picture props (Thanks! Something else I need to save - hubby will kill me!)

I started out with 42 eggs. Tossed one with a blood ring at day 10. Tossed 21 with no development at day 18. Seven hatched withing day 20-21. One didn't break through the membrane and died in the shell. Twelve are still in the incubator, but not doing anything.

How long do you give them after hatch date before giving up and throwing them out? This is my first hatch. Trying not to feel too discouraged as the 7 that did hatch are beautiful and doing well!

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