Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

I'm in Reno, NV and yesterday it got to 29 degrees in the coop at 6:00am. We put a thermometer in it and have a reader in the house. We have never gotten sub zero since I have lived here but can get to single digits sometimes. I was thinking about a heat lamp but fire danger scares me. I do have a wide roost (2 x 4 with 4" side flat). The run has a solid pitched roof with a tarp covering and I can put side tarps up if needed for snow or rain so their run will stay dry and mostly snow free. Snow was dismal last year :(

They were fine and perky this morning. We have 4 hens and they all sleep on one side of the roost (I can tell by the poop!). I clean their coop daily.

So, I guess I'm wondering if I should get the heat lamp or not? The coop is 4 x 4 with a slanted roof. It is on 12" posts off the ground. I have a thick layer of shavings for bedding and straw in the nests (3).
IMO you don't need the heat... It hits -30 or colder here to the point the lamp doesn't do a thing, the birds do fine ( things are dry, never had any frostbite... Not even on the bird I couldn't get back in the coop for a full week one January ) good luck and good info to you making your decision
Hmm wondered why the feed consumption had gone way high. I have some 8" diameter logs in there for their perches, they love to sit on each other on them ;) weirdos!
my coop and run in the snow this morning. We will get about 4' by the end of the winter.

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