Winter Laundry, - do not try this in warm climates!

Oh yeah! Those were
the good ole days! Hey, this reminds me of something else from those days. Anybody remember the old metal stretchers for jeans? Slid them into the legs and tightened them up but I don't remember if they were to cut down on ironing or to keep them from shrinking.
Oh yeah! Those were
the good ole days! Hey, this reminds me of something else from those days. Anybody remember the old metal stretchers for jeans? Slid them into the legs and tightened them up but I don't remember if they were to cut down on ironing or to keep them from shrinking.

I don't remember those, but I sure would like one! I can't dry my jeans, can't afford any shrinkage, if you know what I mean.
I've got a few pairs of jeans that are just an itsy bit too tight. One of those stretchers would be awesome!
Oh yeah! Those were
the good ole days! Hey, this reminds me of something else from those days. Anybody remember the old metal stretchers for jeans? Slid them into the legs and tightened them up but I don't remember if they were to cut down on ironing or to keep them from shrinking.

You could turn them either way. One way to avoid shrinkage and the other way to make creases.
That is so funny, reminds me that we used to bring in the laundry and stand it up against the wall as we were taking things off the line. What always amazed me was the fact that the clothes were dry when they thawed.
Thanks for the pictures.
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Loved the pics. Makes me sooooo happy not to have to deal with that anymore. Grew up in Northern California, now I don't have to deal with frozen clothes, frozen pipes, black ice...and so on. Where I live now the lowest temp it gets down to is 76f, and that's not often and only in the evenings and early mornings.
HA! That may be true, although I definitely found some humor in it, trying to stuff those frozen boards into a basket, - enough to run and grab my camera and put them into poses!

It does make folding a PAIN!

And let me tell you it is not that same as putting on pants right from the dryer. NOT THE SAME AT ALL!!!!
When I was a small child in Northern Michigan I remember my mother hanging the clothes out in the winter to freeze dry and how stiff they were when she took them off of the clothesline.

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