Winter laying?


11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Bay Area, CA
Okay, what's the scoop on winter laying? My girls are finally getting to an age when I hope to start seeing eggs, any time now. But it's also heading for the fall equinox, and day length is all downhill from there. It is, however, California, so it's not quite as long a night as in more northernly climes. And I don't know how city light pollution affects laying, either.

So, do you think I will get any eggs this year, or will day length and sexual maturity collide in ways that will keep me from getting eggs until next spring?

Also, one of my ladies is an Ancona, and those are supposed to be good winter layers. So can I hope at least one of the hens will deliver winter eggs?
i don't use artificial lighting, but my hens lay through the winter. they slow down, but still lay. some breeds will continue to lay after the molt, but adding light does help.
Mine lay in the winter also. They are free ranged and one whole side of the coop is windows, along with the other side having a large window. I guess they get enough natural light to keep laying sufficiently. The sun rises right into their "big view" side of the coop and sets in the other window!

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