Winterized run

I haven't lost a hen yet now that the cd's are up.

No impacted crop problems here but I just put the hay down? I only see them eating the seeds, don't see anyone eating hay?

The farmer who brought the hay gave it to me for nothing...he said, "after all it is Christmas~" wasn't that sweet? I gave him some eggs and lots of thank yous. He even pushed the bale inside the run with his tractor.

My dh did put up some filament since the yarn just doesn't hold..imagine that. ha ha Now had me laughing sooo hard over your post.
Now that is one pampered flock of happy chickens with all that hay to scratch around in! I often put hay out in the run after it snows because it's the only way I can get them to come out but never in such a large quantity. That round bale will give them plenty to do for a very long time.
Now would you believe these spoiled chickens ??? some of them flew up over/through the top of the run to free range...I tell you ...some chickens/folks are just never happy. The "grass is always greener on the other side". I had to open the main door to the coop to let them back in. Some came right back in but four decided to stay out until roosting time
We made the run for their winter safety and they just don't appreciate it!
I bought a bale of hay for my hens, but haven't spread it around yet. I kinda freaked out after reading about impacted crop problems from hay. Have you had any of those type of problems?

I understand your concern hoosierhen, mine too after reading all those posts on impacted crops and surgeries...the hay scares me to death too. I have used baled alfalfa with no problems but it would spread like the hay for winterizing and ground cover. I like the way that looks and how it will help with the cold but I'm still wary after all the things I've read. Maybe if Ozark has enough grit in the dirt under that hay she won't have any problems, sure hope not anyway.
I like the idea of the ground cover & the ground being covered were maybe they can still scratch!

so would straw be safe to do that without the impacted crop problems?
I have straw, but I don't like it. It was the only thing I could find at the time and wanted to put something down in the run to keep their little feet dry after it snowed.

They love it, but it does worry me. They scratch and spread it all around and eat the seeds from it. I haven't witnessed them eating the straw, only the seeds.

I am going to look for the round bale of hay and roll it like Ozark Hen.

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