Winterizing the chicken run

May 17, 2020
I am heading into my first winter with my chickens and wondering what people use to cover the muddy run. I live in rainy Oregon, so inevitably the run will be muddy. I’ve heard straw can mold and it’s a huge job to muck out, pine shavings work but only for a short while as they’re more easily absorbed/composted into the soil. Someone suggested wood chips, but not sure about that. The coop (inside) is dry and lined with straw that seems to be doing well staying dry, but the run is all dirt. I do have some perches in the run for them to get off the ground at least, but hoping to find something to cover the mud, too.

(I inherited the whole set-up when I bought the home, FYI. And usually there is a sail shade over part of the run, but a wind storm yesterday means it needs to be re-hung. Covering the whole run, though, is not a feasible option for me)
Luckily I don’t have drainage issues, just mud when it rains...and rains...and rains here 😝

Then yes, I'd look at deep litter, starting with wood chips and then adding whatever plant matter you can scrounge from your yard or friends/neighbor's yards. I had a massive mud problem where it was thick and deep enough to pull the boots right off my feet... I've had deep litter now for about 3 years and the run ground has become very stable and easy to walk on, even when mud puddles are forming in the lawn nearby.

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