Wintry Wisconsin & The Ducks


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2020
After several years of raising chickens for both eggs and meat, two years ago I bought 15 ducklings and it’s been a trip ever since. They are so entertaining and we’ve had our share of duck drama. They are runners & Khaki Campbells so we’ve been getting plenty of eggs. Last winter they kept up through the the winter but this year I have one lone duck who lays her egg-a-day, which is fine because I really didn’t need a dozen duck eggs every single day. We have a large indoor coop for winter as the below zero temps and snow aren’t very pleasant for their duck feet. They are currently sharing the coop with three chickens we are poultry sitting while my parents spend their winter in Texas. They coexist surprisingly well. We have a heaters in the water and the coop even on the coldest days stays pretty dry and “warm” relative to the outside temperature. It definitely is good shelter (it’s insulated and ventilated) against the cold winds which seem to do the most damage anyway. I‘ve spent most of the last 15 years home schooling my three boys; the oldest has moved into his own place and I have two teens still in school. We have a five acre ”farm” in the midst of real farms and woodlands. Looking forward to reading about everyone’s animals and adventures.

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