Wire choice to keep predators OUT!

This is the coop I'm planning on building:

Coop The coop will not have a wooden floor because I'm worried about being able to move it myself so I'm using hardware cloth for the bottom of the coop and ventilation.

Run As you can see by the example above they are both joined and I will only be moving this monster when they are free ranging under my close supervision so no broken legs or pinched toes here
It is a low building/run so I'll just cover the top and sides of the run with hardware cloth also as for the bottom I am stapling 2x4 welded wire to the bottom of the frame.

Predators Would be my Great Dane pup at first she knows Leave it! but we'll have to practice with livestock (Leash only for a while)
there are also foxes, racoons and hawks that I've seen.

Electric wire is not a choice because I'm sure one day Great dane will be let out with my brother or something and she'll run straight up to it and get z@pped!

Teach you hit right on and I'd like to thank everybody for their suggestions! This is what I've semi-decided what to do and if anyone has reservations just pipe up.
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