Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Just popping in to say 'Hi' to my fellow cheeseheads!


Hope you all have a fantastic frigid weekend!
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Another good thing to use as a nesting box is a 5gal bucket with the lid cut in half...
been there, cone that,, we had a half of a plastic 55 gal barrel in the coop.. just about every kind of bird used that instead of one of the 10 nests I built for them,, and for some reason, they like milk crates setting upright,, ..

just about any cavity can be used for a nest,, but never be surprised if they walk right past the nests and lay the eggs on the manure pile..

I checked out Sunny side hatchery today for meat birds (chicks)
they recommended that i wait until the 9th of April to get them,, they said it is too cold now for awhile.. that is plenty soon for me ..

Thanks for the ideas. Currently the nest boxes are on the floor. I even made a nest box with larger opening for the LB.
I like the litter box idea. They are def. WI chickens. I have been home all day doing the paper work thing, and they have been outside all day.
The only thing that keeps them in the coop is high winds and heavy snow ( light snow and they are still outside ). They must find some food even in winter
because they sure do not go through a lot of feed.

I wish mine would go out in the cold!
Hi All!

Yea, I wish my birds would go out more too. The turkeys, guineas, a couple of roos and 1 brave young hen are the only ones that go out. All the rest of the chickens won't leave the coop.

Gee, that pie sounds good.

We had scrambled eggs and fried potatoes for supper. As I was cracking eggs I was thinking, "Gee, can tell it's winter, these yolks are looking a bit pale." Then I realized, even the palest winter yolks I've had, are 4 times darker than any store eggs.

Night All!
Heck of a morning. The spare tire on the ole' ranger fell down while driving to work. The tire was so rusted on it took a few goes to finally free it. Wouldn't have been half as hard if it wasn't flippin below 0. I did get the tire off and threw it in the bed and found a bungee cord to pull the bracket back up so thats a plus. Managed to rip my jeans, be late for work, and become the laughing stock of the office because I have an old vehicle. The easy fix would be give me a raise so I can buy a new one hehe and besides they should just be happy after all that I still decided to show up :) I would have much rather gone home and snuggled with the pups haha
Good to read you were able to get the spare off. I bought an older ( 2000 ford 7.3 diesel) work truck. I made them take off the spare & I stored in back of bed.
They spent a lot of time getting that spare off!

I think my roo knows exactly were my office desk is. He is crowing away on the other side of the wall.

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