Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Winter Morning to everyone. Yep, I haven't made it to the new Cabelas either. With all the road construction in Green Bay I stayed away. I think I need to navigate prolly 3 roundabouts to make it to hwy41....not up for the challenge of that. I'll have to ride with someone who has made it through the maze a couple times first.

I'm gonna stay inside today...hope you all have a Happy Valentine's Day.

well they made it...took 41 here...and by wi/mi border they closed down the hwy after they drove thru...they got here safe...mom and aunt loves the birds...

quick question for everyone...back in the 1920's they (the united states) developed a kind of chicken called a lamona...i did research on this bird and they are said to be nearly extinct in america now...well i have found someone that has them....any thoughts...on if i should get them...seems like a lot of pressure to get a bird that is nearly extinct...huh...my family was promised a pair of them...because they want something that our family has hybridized...some duck or something...is what they want...
Great news Delisha!

My birds complain whenever I open the coop door in weather like this. They step away from the door and do not go out. Spoiled babies!

Keeping the light on for a few more days!

Stay warm and safe!
Surgery is done, and all is great. Unfortunately the Dr. called and I have to have another surgery. I am fortunate and blessed that I am cancer free and all my labs lately have all been great news. Thank you all for your support and prayers! I am doing a happy dance. The Lord is looking and shinning on all of you!

All chicks are spoken for so far or picked up. I have a bator full of eggs. Next week I should have more.
Seems as though we've both had good news on being Cancer free recently. Congrats Vicki! The stress for me waiting for the news was killer knowing the fight I had and always assumed it was back with all the trouble I was having. Finding out I had Ulcerative Colitis and stomach ulcers was good news considering what the other could be. Glad you got good news.

My BLRW are finally fertile, was giving me a scare after all the money I've lost this past year in bird accidents. I'm over 80 birds growing out in the house with a few in lockdown right now. Can't wait for swap season to finally start. Was thinking about going to the Jefferson swap but can't justify the 4+ hour drive one way. Just got my BBS English Orp eggs, they lost the package again coming from St. Paul This is the second time in a few weeks this has happened. If the eggs don't start I will be filing another claim on them. I only have one more shipment of eggs coming, Swedish Flower hens. If they continue to have issues with shipping, I won't be buying anymore hatching eggs. I do have a shipment of Speckled Sussex chicks from Lancaster and a Cream Crested Legbar chicks from Papa's Poultry yet to come. Iv'e been hearing alot of bad stories about the USPS lately on shipped chicks arriving dead. Hope it doesn't happen in my case for sure.

Babies growing like a weed. Walking all over now and starting to talk although I'm the only one who understands what she's saying.

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