Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good morning,
I had a phone call way before I was ready to wake up this morning
some people..........

nothing to do in the garden .
so I think I will drop off the discs and put the back blade on and go work over the couple of bare spots, where I dug stumps out, and get them ready for grass seed.

Annie picked about 5 pounds of strawberries yesterday.
I mushed them all up for shortcake..
first a rhubarb pie, then short cake. I think she is trying to kill me with food. what a way to go

speaking of rhubarb. most of my patch is coming back after the guineas used the spot for a huge dust bath. Now they have found a nice soft spot in the corn patch
I still have four plants that I bought for replacing the destroyed ones. I guess I will just add them on to the end of the row.
Weeds grow better than anything else where I'm involved!
The chickens are doing great. They're much happier with the cooler temps. I could do without the wild swings in temps though (I think I'm getting just a little finicky about weather in my less young days!)
Nate has been working around the clock to gather wood it seems. My dad came over to help today, not sure where he gets the idea he's gonna slow down by selling us the wood burner if he insists on helping all the time!
I had to work all day, got me out of getting wood today, but that means they were 1 more short with loading and it takes longer when there's fewer hands to help.
Called digger's hotline this week to get lines marked so we can get the wood burner pad poured...my address wasn't in their system, funny.
Once the cement pad is poured we can work on the pole shed. By the time we finish that winter will be knocking.
Oh what fun! But once the pole shed is up the other shed/garage is all mine for the chickens! :woot
So, there is a purpose behind the madness...even if others don't see it lol.
Love seeing everyone's pictures and updates!
Take care,
Good morning fellow Cheeseheads

FINALLY! All that's left is to cut the new pophole thru the outer wall and construct the added roost and catchboard and the coop addition, along with the remodel of the older half and it's done! :thIt took so long (seems like forever) because just like the original half, it is double walled, fully insulated including walls, ceiling and floor and completely varmint and bear proof. Yesterday I scrubbed the floor and walls and finished the new coat of paint in the old section so it matches the new. Pa hung door onto the new barn door tracking hardware I picked up super cheap last month at a Menard's flash sale. The steel roofing is already on but the steel siding for the addition will have to wait. Not really a problem since the walls are more than thick enough on their own but I just want that added barrier of protection against to weather (and bear) like the old section already has. Altho the bear haven't been a problem so far since none have managed to get thru our fences but not for lack of trying as all the dents and bends can attest to. I still haven't had time to repair my poor large windchime that the cubs decided to turn into a "baby" toy a couple weeks ago. It was cute watching the little stinkers trying to pull the pipes up into the tree, at least until the whole thing went crashing to the ground when the cords broke. Mom was just a bit too large to refer to as cute.

Oh, and I now have a black, and soft white, Australorp. Long story short, I have a BA that decided this past week to go super broody. I had her blocked out of the nestboxes so she was flattened out on the coop floor in front of the boxes while I was painting. She was under catchboard to the roosts so I left her alone until I had to paint under there. I finally had to move her out of the way so I slid her out and stuffed her out the door, crawled under the catchboard and continued painting. I didn't see her sneak back in until I was shifting to reach another area and noticed her. The crazy bird had stuck her butt into the air and backed herself tightly into the far corner and laid back down. Only problem was that was the last place I had painted before moving her and the crazy bird had managed to literally stick herself to the wall! :lau She now has paint smeared on both sides and her once gorgeous fan that she could flair out so large she looked like a turkey when she puffed up, looks like I took her the beauty parlor and got her tips frosted! She finally went stomping out of the coop on her own, screaming all the way, because I think she didn't appreciate me laughing so hard at her:lau.
Kinda nice day here today. I have the weber cooking indirect chicken while I take a break after working in the garden for a couple hours. The potato salad is gonna be good with the small red onions and their tops added for color and flavor. It usually takes 2 hours for chicken grilled to perfection, and the down time is a nice time to relax and enjoy a tall cold one or two. Hope your day is a fun one like mine has been!

good afternoon,
justate the last piece of rhubarb pie, I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
nobody else around here eats it..

I have at least 8 chicks in the bator.

earlier today I finally planted the 4 rhubarb plants I bought a month ago..
the directions said to dig a hole as big as a bushel basket.
So, I took the tractor bucket and in 5 minutes I had a 7 foot long trench.
went and scooped up a bucketful of composted cow manure and planted the plants in that.

DD Barby stopped in. dropped off 4 garden hoses. she is rummaging today.. I stretched one out and watered the new rhubarb..

came into the house, ate dinner and took a nap while watching PGA ..

it rained sometime during that time.
sun is back out , now.


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