Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

yaaaah Pack !! If they don't win another game this year, I am glad they beat the Seahawks..

Thursday I will be at the intersection
of I-39 and I-90 with a puppy, bound for a ranch in So Dak.

Tomorrow I hope to start on framing the shed.

have to spend a day freezing corn too..


Hi Dae, there are two boys left.
how many do you want ??

I told Annie that if we don't get rid of those two, we will have them snipped.
we have never raised a puppy .
all of ours have been acquired as adults or at least a couple of months old.

I would love to have the puppies, Jim, but I already have 6 dogs, 3 goats, ? chickens and a skunk. Think I might get murdered in my sleep if I bring another animal home any time soon, lol. Got the first batch of pickled beets made. Hoping for one more big batch of sauce. Dug the potatoes. Got a LOT of tiny ones and it seems like the big ones are weird inside. Not exactly rotted but a bit hollow. Still have beans producing and will have to pull the rest of the beets and dig the carrots yet. Oh and I have broccoli yet.
Yep, we are busy with the gardens too. We canned 18 pints of beets, and still need to do quarts for one of my daughters. Prolly gonna do another batch of sauce today. Carrots are huge, but some that I've dug are starting to rot I the ground...I have two rows prolly 30' long to dig....
I love the Packer win against the hawks too Jim! How about Eddie Lacy? 5 carries for 3 yards...he still sucks. Our D was awesome.

good morning,
waiting for the coffee to brew.
We need ideas for a containment device for the dogs. other than tying or a kennel.

I know the buried wire one works.

coffee is done, bbl for your opinions..

Yeah I'd say underground would be your only other option. And yes they do work very well. If I needed to contain the critters that's what I'd do for sure. Been so busy with overtime and bear baiting and hunting. I got my bear last night so that's friggin awesome. Not quite as big as I hoped but I'll take 185lbs. Still above average and it was my first bear. Have a good day everyone !
I never shot a bear.
way back when I was 12, you could still shoot a bear if you saw one while deer hunting.

my bro and I went after a bear with bows and arrows. it was a BIG one. after tracking it for over a mile into the woods, we chickened out.
I am sure we would never have gotten close enough to shoot at it anyhow..
he laid his opened wallet in the foot print and we took a picture. there was still about 3 inches of print beyond the wallet.

Congrats on the bear, Corey!! Did you butcher the piggies yet? I have never gotten a bear either but would love to some day.

Underground wire works well. We put it in here when we got our first shepherd. Then he started running tracks around things in the yard and managed to cut the wire. What we put in was really light weight wire though.

Bigz, did you try the sauce in the lasagna yet? How did it turn out? Any suggestions for tweaking it to make it better?
I'm working on a batch of pasta sauce today. Letting it boil down some before adding the rest of the goodies. We had some of the first batch on homemade pizza last night. The DH asked if the sauce was what we had made. It got his approval! :drool

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