Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I am so tempted to say yes just to egg ya on,,,,,,(see Jim I don't stir)

but no I didn't,,,,,

nice! please tell me if you get yours. I contacted the American Bantam Association and they were fairly quick on thier response and I recieved thier book already on Saturday and ordered it a day after I ordered the SOP from the APA,,,really makes a guy want to join!
Good evening--Just got all cleaned up from making DSs birthday dinner. He wanted meatloaf (of all things) mashed potatoes and cauliflower with Hollandaise. Made him strawberry shortcake for desert--he doesnt like cake! So he was happy...DD helped me clean up and the kitchen actually looks better than it has in a couple of weeks!

I am toying with going out and blanketing my skinny horse...it has been pouring for an hour or so and now is starting to get colder...I dont want him to be too cold--I guess I will check out the weather after this and make my decision. Chores are already done and I dont really want to go back out....

I am working all day tomorrow in Ocon. again. It is an early morning for me so I guess I will head up rather soon! Kim--that is a big load you are taking on! You are sweet to do it too but make sure you have your friend and her kids pitch in! They might not have any money but I am sure they can help you cook and clean (maybe help get rid of some of your stuff...) I know all about having too much stuff! I also suffer from that disease.

BL4--your cat wont hate you for giving him fluids. I had to do that with 3 of mine and they were totally OK with it. Make sure you warm the Ringers to body temp before giving it. Also if you can have a really comfy place for him to lay, like towels on top of a heating pad. We had a bag hanging on our kitchen light for over a year! If you can get the finer needle sets it goes easier too. Good luck!

Good night....sleep tight! TerriO
Poor little Runt is all curled up on the heating pad again. He was NOT happy with another trip to the Vet today, and lucky for him he has another scheduled for Friday! His labs came back; his pancreatic enzymes are through the roof so he definitely has pancreatitis. With his liver out of whack too, it is looking more like he has Triaditis. So, today he was given 200 cc fluids SC, and they allowed me to take an entire bag of ringers home with me and I am to give him 100 cc SC every day (he is going to LOVE me so much!). On top of that he is to get an injection of B Vitamins every day, and a pain medication which also happens to be an injection. I have a huge pill I need to give him once a day (I am going to crush it up and put it into some liquids and just give it to him in a syringe), and I have 3.9 CC of enzymes to give him orally once a day.They weighed him again today; he was 6 lbs 11 oz last Monday, today he was 6 lbs 7 oz. I have been told to feed him whatever his heart desires.... and boy have we been trying!

It is a good thing I am working..... I know there is no hope of recovery for him, but he is not very 'sick' (he is still alert and interested in the house activities), he is just looking terrible and not eating. I cannot put an animal down if it is not suffering, and he does not seem to be. He is still Mr. Lovey Dovey to everyone so we will just do what we can for him until there is nothing left to do.
Aw, Mel, I am so very sorry Runt isn't improving. I know exactly what you are going through and how hard it is.

Not fun trying to medicate a cat. I really hated doing the injections. At least with the pills, I could jam them into a hunk of liver sausage & get him to eat it. Usually. Once his appetite went, it was so hard.
Another thing you can try, which would also be good for a little bit of fluid intake, is meat flavored baby food. I had a vet recommend that way back when I had an old cat that was throwing up alot. They also recommended cooked ground lamb and rice. Neither of which is supposed to be fed long term to a healthy cat, but since yours isn't eating much of anything I thought I'd pass it along. Good luck!
Oh, and Ramses just loved canned peas.
Hi everyone. I'm Denise and I'm addicted to collecting poultry.....hehehehe

I tried to post this morning...wrote up a huge thing...but Jim's computer gremlin must've made it's way to mine...poof...disappeared.

All I did today was clean brooders and pens....I'm trying wood pellets for the first time and I think they have become my best friend.
Sat. I went to a pigeon poultry show...I bought the sweetest silver speckled hamburg pair...and this cross bred that this gentleman is developing. Pretty little things. I was going to call the guy today and ask again...but I was elbow deep in $$$$. Oh...and we. Oh...and we know have some pigeons. Ah yeah....that didn't go over to we'll with the Other half. They are his daughters...so he'll have to deal with it.
Alright everyone....hope you all stay safe and warm and that nobody loses any birds in this freeze. ...I'm off to bed....prayers for the dad and the kitty will be added. :)

Hi All!

I read the posts but getting too pooped to respond much so Bl4.... give the kitty lots of loves and glad to know DrH's dad is well enough to to decide he didn't want to be bothered!

Got some outside stuff done today! Did a 'patch job on the turkey pen, though it still needs to be redone. I rigged up a nest box for her too and put the one egg I could reach in it. Hope she gets the hint. Got some stuff done in the coop too. Not as much I would have liked, but something. Also did a little work in the main turkey pen. Shovelled and swept what I could of the ice and water off the back deck and ramp, should make it easier now. Wish I could have gotten more ice out of the path to the coop and pens! I'm making manicotta for supper tomorrow so I'm getting it started tonight. Cuts down on the standing tomorrow. The girls must have been happy today.... 14 eggs! That's about twice of what I've been getting! I haven't been adding light this year so this is real good!
Guess that's it.... Night all!
Good early morning! Thought I would come on here and waste some time...it is nasty outside! Got the population fed and said screw the water! There was enough in the heated buckets--they will just have to share. The wind is whipping and the snow flying around...plus it is dam^ dark out there at 5AM! I only opened inner doors...the birds can stay in for today--I sure wish I could!

SO I generally take off on these days at 6:15; all the traffic seems to really be crawling so I guess I will set out early. I just hope I can get the car out of the driveway! Why must it snow on my work days??? Does anyone have an "in?" Two weeks from today could it please be nice?

Got the tree tapped yesterday JJ...nothing started coming out of the hole when I drilled it though. I didnt check the bucket or hoses later though. Maybe I have a "dry" tree? Maybe it's too old?

Guess I ought to go and try and clear the drive a bit...might be easier to get out. Then at least I can come in and get out of my coveralls to go to work! These folks have no idea what coveralls are since they just go from their warm house to warm garage (yes it is heated) and into the car, back out onto a drive that has been done for them....you get the picture...
Have a fun day playing in the snow! TerriO
Good Nasty Morning! TO I've heard that's the way it's supposed to be when you get old.
Cindy good job on all the eggs! GR think your going to miss your alone time!
Jim that is going to be a super nice run can see why you scarfed up all those racks. Have you or anyone else had battery packs rebuilt? Have some dead ones too and have been considering it. Apyl hair cut
Cut my own once thinking I could make it look good and spent the money at the movie theater right next door to the barber shop. When I got home I learned that barbering was not in my future and neither was sitting down. mazo have had many good times around the kitchen table. Many too good of a time. Sorta glad those days are over, sorta. judge hope you can get a good price on the 40, you won't regret it! Neat pic of the kids on a walk about! Gallus there is no such thing as getting rest in a hospital. Someone is always bothering you so I could understand Dad's request. Things have changed a little. The Dr's are going to go in and check his arteries at 7:30 to see if there's a blockage. He's now strong enough to do so. You guys are really the greatest with all the thoughts and prayers! I really appreciate it!
delisha that's a neat story about the protective mom! And
on the second interveiw! Bl4 hope you can make Runt as compfy as you can. It's a hard thing to endure.
Dan hope your roo shoots straight and true!
Angie that's a great %! Checked out Sparkey and Babykins yesterday the BA roo's. No major damage but man are they scabby! Better get chores done in case of a road trip.

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