Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"


And actually--I think it was GothChick who had a buck and was looking for a doe...you out there GothChick? Did you ever get a breeding program off the ground?
Hi everyone
Dr. HaHa- I am truly sorry for your loss.
Jim- your posts make me smile. You remind me a lot of my dad. Gruff, to the point, but a gentle soul. We celebrated his 70th birthday on Sunday.
So- I know that a few of my eggs are clear. Well- I think I know, I have no real experience, but the light shines all the way through. Do I tak all of them out before lockdown? Or should I not look again, and see what happens?
Anyone know if my chicks who are 8weeks old are ok to be on the unheated but enclosed porch without the heat lamp? I need to know if I need to go out and buy another lamp for the new babies coming this weekend. I am planning on keeping the new babies in the house again for a few weeks like I did the other ones.
Spent the entire day shopping today with my mom, one of my sisters, and my sister in law. Just bumming around. Spent a lot of money, but had a great time. So nice to have kid free, adult fun time once in a while, you know?
Have a good night all!
Hi everyone
Dr. HaHa- I am truly sorry for your loss.
Jim- your posts make me smile. You remind me a lot of my dad. Gruff, to the point, but a gentle soul. We celebrated his 70th birthday on Sunday.
So- I know that a few of my eggs are clear. Well- I think I know, I have no real experience, but the light shines all the way through. Do I tak all of them out before lockdown? Or should I not look again, and see what happens?
Anyone know if my chicks who are 8weeks old are ok to be on the unheated but enclosed porch without the heat lamp? I need to know if I need to go out and buy another lamp for the new babies coming this weekend. I am planning on keeping the new babies in the house again for a few weeks like I did the other ones.
Spent the entire day shopping today with my mom, one of my sisters, and my sister in law. Just bumming around. Spent a lot of money, but had a great time. So nice to have kid free, adult fun time once in a while, you know?
Have a good night all!
You need to get another light if you have not conditioned those birds. Mine have been out for a long time without heat. I am butchering the males next weekend. They are nice size.
Cute babys! I am very curios about your opinion on giving bunnies hutches. Do you give adults boxes to stay warm or only when they have small babys?

When I raised rabbits I only put boxes in for the moms and babies - just before the mom gave birth when she started pulling fur for a nest. Most of mine were kept in a loafing shed so winter was not a problem for them. The last one we had was outside the back door here and we moved him in front of one of the windows and surrounded the cage with bales of straw on the other 3 sides. That way we could feed and water him (and bring him in to play) from inside the house by just opening the window. Cleaning the cage was a bit more work as we had to move some bales but at least we didn't have to go out several times a day with unfrozen water. Rabbits chew wood, so keep that in mind whatever you do about cages and boxes. I had all wire cages with the smaller wire on the bottom so their feet didn't get hurt. Wire cages are so easy to DIY. I got all my wire and supplies from Klubertanz in Edgerton. (klubertanz.com)

Hope you feel better soon, Mel!
Hi All!

DrH...if your here... Sorry about our dad and peace to him, your mom and to you!

H&R.... Cute little fuzzies!

Jim.... how much would you sell one of those 4x11 pens for?

vicki.... those old water and feeders are very cool!

Elaine... Love the rooster!

Well, I went through kinda quick tonight so sorry if I missed anything. Young son is still sick. I'm getting worried. It seems to come and go but when it comes it seems worse.

Night All!
Cute babys! I am very curios about your opinion on giving bunnies hutches. Do you give adults boxes to stay warm or only when they have small babys?
Our does and buck are each in their own metal cage- we got the cage material through Klubertanz(they are about 20 minutes from us)- the cages are stacked and the rabbits live year round in our work garage.So they are protected from the weather. The does get a nest box a few days or so before having the babies to make their nest- otherwise they would use the nest box to poop in. We just weaned the babies into that bigger area.
I had the crazy idea I should do the taxes yesterday...... and of course I do not have every scrap of needed paper where it should be, so in my searching for the tax software what did I find? Why yes Amyable, a check for some soap! LOL! And of course just shy of the 3 month cut-off! No worries Amy, you can save the stamp and catch me at another time.

So of course I did NOT get the taxes done, I had to wait for some emails to be sent out with pin numbers and receipts for charitable donations. So the taxes will have to wait until Sunday I guess.

I watched the movie "Big Fish" yesterday, I had watched it from halfway through once, so it was nice to see the entire thing.

We have City elections on the 2nd of April..... I am
that there is a change in the establishment...... then time to sic the dogs on them!
Good morning everyone.

I've yet another question. I have a duckling with what looks and feels like a dislocated hip. Anyone know of a good website showing how to put it back in and how to brace it? I have been searching and searching and it keeps coming up with people hips, ugh. And no I am not going to take it to the vet, which even if I wanted to we only have 1 vet within like 50 miles and they only do dogs and cats. And I also dont want to cull it. It gets around by scooching on its belly with its one good leg pulling it along. it eats and drinks on its own and cuddles with the other duckings. Any ideas would be great.

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