Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Amy, they do have baby fabric but they get the new designs in spring, at least that is what she told me. No Hancock Fabric up here. The fabric that I bought was made by Spring Creative. I've been looking online to see what I can find. I'm going to check out Walmart. A few years ago they had something similar to the one I made for Addie and they carry that brand. I'm sure I'll find something but sure hope I can find that brand, or should I say I hope they came out with another one similar. I'll maybe call and ask.

And my guess is .........

BOY......Monday, Labor Day (lol) 9-2-2013 5:45 PM
Ahh, a baby pool! Who is keeping track and what does the winner get?? My dad thinks it would be great to have the kid a couple days late, on Friday the 13th. Uh, no.
Quote: I remember that hilarious pic too! Heather, I am convinced I have short tendons/ligaments, made even tighter by HS track and basketball careers. My sis, on the other hand, is very flexy and also did gymnastics when she was a kid. But I got the better teeth between the two of us, so we're even.

Judge, send the bats over here - we have so many bugs for them to scarf!
Lol- I don't mind the bats outside. But when they fly through my dining room it's over!
Oh and since Hurley posted this as well, I have a friend with a sweet young silkie rooster. He is a beautiful splash boy and very sweet, but has the red/ purple comb rather than black. Anyone interested?
BigFam you are cruel. Not only is your birth guess after the due date, but it is also middle of the night, and a boy.

I found a TV twice. First bought the cheapy brand from Target, brought it home and set it up. It was OK until it started having the top third of the picture flash on and off!

Took it back and checked Sears on a whim. They had a leftover Sony sitting in the box next to the register. Apparently Sears is going to no longer carry Sonys. This was their last one. It is bigger than I was looking for, but couldn't pass up the bargain. Less than half price from what I can find on the interwebs.

I can say this about teeth and flexibility.

I miss my teeth more.

Anybody out there want a dozen coturnix quail? I would give them up for free. To eat or to feed.

Oh shoot I forgot-

September 5th. 2:45am- Girl
9lbs 8oz

9.5lbs, EGADS!! My boys were 6lb 3oz and 5lb 10oz. Trying to kill me?!
Does anyone want a five toed buckeye roo that was hatched from eggs from TerriO? He was born 3 weeks after the bash so he is a little over 2 months. It is very masculine and started crowing a few weeks ago. Otherwise he is soup.

FT-so sorry about your cousin :(

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Well, my eggs have started hatching. Last I checked there was only one out. Unfortunately, we have my DD11 pageant in an hour, so everything chick related is on hold until after that. I did get a look at it and it looks yellow.
Is it wrong of me to train my chickens to bite? I think not . I have tried to tell my family for years that my farm is not a petting zoo. My sister even takes it upon herself to feed my animals (but not the right feed and she doesn't give them water-which is what they actually needed). Irony is family and the stress of dealing with them! So everyone enjoy the holiday!

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